HEALING HANDS is our common name. Under the guise of Healers 2006.
The Membership subscriptions have been kept low so no one will feel excluded from becoming a healer.


The subscription is £10 per year, a year is April 1st to March 31st The AGM is paid for extra.

For New Members the First year’s Subscription is £15 and covers the preparation and posting of the Membership Pack. This includes a CD with notes of all the courses as found on this web site, the Code of Conduct, Syllabus of Study and Notes about Healers 2006. Insurance.

Insurance is handled by Balens. The Insurance is paid for under two headings, those needing it for Healing only and those who also practise Complementary Medicines. Balens can insure for over 1,000 therapies.


£3.50 minimum donation makes you a Supporter Member who can join in with all the activities.

What do you get by being a full member?

Certificate for Trainees and Full Healers each year.

Access to Complementary Medicine Courses to enhance your own education

Insurance is at competitive rates - see above paragraph under Membership subscriptions

Trainers who are highly qualified specialists

Course Learning Options Distance Learning or ‘class’ learning, also help for anyone disabled. Workshops on various topics at the AGM day. Members are invited to place a link to their Internet Site.

Affiliation with other like-minded groups of healers through the Friendly Group of Spiritual Healing Associations.