HEALING HANDS is our common name. Under the guise of Healers 2006.
There is an ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held each year on the Second Saturday of June in Skegness Lincolnshire.

At the Meeting we discuss the year’s activities, elect a new committee and agree member’s fees - that have not changed since H2006 was formed. The Committee is comprised of a President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Additional non-committee posts cover such things as the Snowdrop Fund, Auditing of the accounts and taking care of any Healing Prayer requests.

The Snowdrop Fund is a fund made up of donations from members, who send out flowers or similar gifts to any member or family or friend, to bring them peace, wish them well in their recovery from illness, welcome to a baby, new home or wedding etc.  
The rest of the day is given over to talks, usually from members, on topics of healing. Over the years we have had talks on Looking after Ourselves, Reiki, Law, Tea Leaf Reading, Tai chi, Vibrational Medicine, the Grief Café, Light and how we perceive it and First Aid.

We make it a full day - from 11am to 4pm. This allows members to meet each other and to learn other aspects of healing. Continuing Professional Development is guaranteed by the attendance at the AGM. You gain 8 hours CPD by attending. If unable to attend you must sign to say you have read Healing and/or Health books for at least 16 hours of the year. A Certificate of Attendance is presented at the AGM which can be used as proof of 8 hours CPD for any other organisation.
The cost is usually £5 or free - we only want to cover expenses. No one is paid to run the Group.